A Safety Case is document written to demonstrate how a facility is operating safely and protecting their employees, the environment, and the larger community.. It is a requirement under the offshore regulatory framework, and is becoming a requirement within other regulatory frameworks, such as the HSE (UK) and WorkSafe MHF (Australia).
A Safety Case typically includes a facility description; a summary of the Safety Management System; the results of a documented risk management process; a discussion on consultation held with all stakeholders; the training requirements of employees and contractors; the continuous safety improvement processes in place; and details of critical operating parameters and key safety performance indicators. As such, it not only satisfies regulatory requirements, but is an excellent internal training document summarising every aspect of the safety management process.
FSE Global consultants often assist in the development of a safety case, or provide an independent review of an existing safety case as they have the expertise and tools developed over years of working with industry and regulatory authorities to quickly assess if any weaknesses exist.